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We Love You, Cory!
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Memorial Service
The memorial service for Cory will be this Thursday the 29th of December at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Faith in Escondido. A Reception in building six will follow.
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Prayers, Thoughts, and Messages:

Message Board (240 messages)
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Dee on May 7, 2007, 10:58 am
A new coworker was in my office today and asked about all the pictures I have up. I have one from this site hung up on my board. Just want you to know - we think about you!

Cory's Mother on April 8, 2007, 7:58 pm
Each day without you deepens the void in my life. Today, as we celebrated Easter with everyone here, we had an Easter egg hunt for the six little ones. They had so much fun and I was reminded of the many Easter egg hunts I had for you and Christian. You are loved and missed more than words can describe...nothing is the same without you. Today, as we rejoiced in the resurrection of our Lord, I knew that one day I will be with you again.

john on March 15, 2007, 11:22 pm
keep the heavenly gates open 4 me

Saad on March 8, 2007, 9:20 am
Rest in Peace -- A sad story!

Laura on January 8, 2007, 10:51 am

Laura on January 8, 2007, 10:51 am
I just came across a bunch of old pictures the other had been on my mind a couple weeks prior, when i saw somebody that looked so much like had me do a double take..just wanted to say that i'm so glad i met you and have the memories and pictures of you now to cherish forever..miss and love you Cory!

Leslie on December 14, 2006, 4:14 pm
Hey Cory! I'm remembering the first day I met you, it was at the Ninth Hour CD release party and you were trying to get the crowd dancing to Godrocket. You were so full of energy, love and joy. I remember swing dancing and snow boarding with you. I remember all the notes, 4 stars and a smile, the gifts, winnie the pooh, the fish neclace, the hot cocoa w/ match stick. I remember visiting you at Blockbuster and Applebees. I remember the yearly phone calls and catching up. I remember the prayers, the laughs, and the love. I will always remember you Cory, you were the first to show me how to love. You are missed so much!

Brian on December 11, 2006, 9:38 pm
Hey Pal, Thursday will be one year already. I still miss the hell out of you. Now that the regular season of Cory's Super League is over I can say that this season was not the same without you. I miss all of our American and English soccer talks each week...I can report that Pat finally sucked as bad as we all thought he would. Coner made the playoffs along with Will, my dad and I. I miss you bud

Katherine on December 11, 2006, 9:51 am
A year ago yesterday was the last time I saw you. Can't believe I was so short with you that day - they always say you never know when it will be your last conversation with someone but I never thought I would learn that lesson first hand. I went into your starbuck's this morning, but I hardly ever go anymore - something too hard to swallow about the way it just runs on like the corporate monster it is and you are not there to smile or be even more tired than me or remind me that I have history in this town. This week always used to be about my birthday, but it's so different now that it's shared with the week of your passing. I wouldn't change it, though, and I'm glad for the memories of celebrating with you. Of course, it's just like you to cheer me up when it's you I'm mourning. Love you, Cory.

jill on November 28, 2006, 2:48 pm
watched nacho libre last night. thought about ya the whole time. funny how jack black will forever immortalize the wonderful things about you. chargers are killing it...but you know that!

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