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Memorial Service
The memorial service for Cory will be this Thursday the 29th of December at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Faith in Escondido. A Reception in building six will follow.
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Cory's Mom on June 13, 2010, 9:14 pm
Today, Christian and I had to take Samantha to be put to sleep. It was an extremely hard thing to do, but I know it was for the best and that she is now free of pain. I remember, as if it was yesterday, the day you talked me into having another dog and you then brought her home. She was such a wonderful dog - one of the gentlest I have ever known. She brought so much into our home, and I wish she was still here, but I know she is now with you. I love you honey.

Cory's Mom on May 12, 2010, 9:18 pm
Mother's Day will always be a bad day because you are not here. I spent the day at Christian's and he made a wonderful dinner for me. You would be pleased to know what a good cook he has become. He gave me tulips, which were two colors representing you and him, and said the stems and leaves were me supporting you both. We talked about you a lot and shared many memories. We will always be the "three musketeers." I love you.

Cory's Mom on April 4, 2010, 8:14 pm
Today is Easter and I rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord! I know you are with Him, and I know one day I will be with you again. I love and miss you and want so much to hold you.

Cory's Mom on December 14, 2009, 11:08 pm
You have been gone from us four years. I never stop thinking about you or the memories I have. As I do every year, I went to the soccer field tonight. It is always so hard, but I feel somewhat closer to you when I am there. I miss and love you more than I can possibly ever put into words.

Josh Brisby, Trombonist of Cory's Band on December 14, 2009, 6:28 am
Praying for the Denton family today. May you all know the Hope of the Resurrection of our Savior at this time.

Jilly on December 13, 2009, 8:42 pm
thinking of you my friend.

Cory's Mom on July 22, 2009, 5:08 am
Today is your 30th birthday and all of us will be celebrating it for you by going to one of your favorite places: Magic Mountain. Sage and Shea have never been and they are so excited. I remember the first time we went, when you were seven, and the first day you would not go on any of the adult rides. Finally, at the end of the day, I convinced you to go on Revolution with me. When the ride was over, you jumped out of the car as fast as you could and ran and got back into line. You were thrilled and told me you had missed out on so much fun because of your fears. We went back again the next day though, so you were able to ride everything. I know you will be with us today. I love you with all my heart!

Dee on June 25, 2009, 8:50 am
Was going through my favorites link file on the internet today came across your link so I thought I'd stop in to post. Haven't been out at Esco in a while so I haven't visited your number. But you are still in my thoughts. love from the family, Dee, Frank, Tyler, and Zach

Cory's Mom on May 11, 2009, 12:25 am
When you were about four, you and Christian went to a garage sale down the street from our house with twenty-five cents tucked safely in your pocket, hoping to find a hidden treasure. When you returned home, you were filled with excitement and told me you had found the best thing of all. You opened your clinched fist and there in your palm was a little plastic gold ring with a large red stone. You handed it to me and said, "Mommy, this is for you because I love you this much," as you spread your arms out as far as they would go. I still have that ring and it truly is a treasure - one of many memories that are held tightly within my heart. Today is Mother's Day and you aren't here, but I remember each one we shared before you had to go. I love you, Cory, and wish you were here,

Chris Erdos on February 4, 2009, 2:48 pm
Cory, I was just remembering the time we played poker at your house and I was coaxed into displaying the purple pelotas. Good times. I love playing indoor and seeing your name and jersey # up there every time. It would be better if you were still on my team though. -c h r i s

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