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Memorial Service
The memorial service for Cory will be this Thursday the 29th of December at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Faith in Escondido. A Reception in building six will follow.
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Prayers, Thoughts, and Messages:

Message Board (240 messages)
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jill on March 1, 2008, 8:12 pm
you popped in my thoughts a lot today. thought i saw your twin walking the on the street while i was working. looked like you in that beanie you always wore. and right now i am watching a jack black movie...the holiday? kinda gay...i dont know that youd approve...anyways jan 25th passed...3 years since that crazy whirlwind. people are thinking of you and being reminded of you every day. im glad to be one of them...

Jamai (Cory's cousin) on February 23, 2008, 3:47 pm
I've been thinking of you ... You're never been really far from my mind. I miss you every day and I wish you were here. I love you always!

Christian Denton on February 2, 2008, 3:10 pm
Yo dude. Was just toolin around in your freshly repaired Civ (sorry man- not my fault- and it went up against that monster 77 Dodge Van- you saw right? So it was no contest.) and blasting Whatsername. Every time I end up playing something that you listened to more than likely in this set of wheels I think I have a "shinning" moment and you're there. Or maybe its just the words this time, and yeah I know the song's about a long lost chick, and usually thats where I go in my head when I hear it (everyone's got a long lost chick) but today the final refrain was all these past two years....all thats gone....all thats there to only remember, something I sometimes have a hard time doing these days.....gotta write stuff down.... whatsername: And in the darkest night If my memory serves me right I'll never turn back time Forgetting you, but not the time.... Feel like I'm forgetting you some times man. Hate it. Miss you dude. More than ever.

Phoenix Drohan on January 29, 2008, 3:35 pm
I miss you Uncle Cory!

Phoenix Drohan on January 25, 2008, 3:14 pm
Hey, Uncle Cory. I just wanted to say that I miss you so badly and I want to give you a HUGE hug. We all miss you and we cant wait to see you again.

Cory's Mother on January 20, 2008, 10:55 am
I wish you were here today to watch the Chargers' game. Your excitement would have made it so much more fun. I love and miss you.

Amrita on December 26, 2007, 12:38 am
Cory! I don't know if it's still 25 Dec. in CA, but I wanted to wish you a very Happy Christmas. I am in India right now, and I can't help but be reminded of a few years ago when I was here, and I thought of you every single day I was gone, and I couldn't wait to see you again when I came back to CA. And when I did --- you told me that you had been wearing that Perfect Strangers shirt I'd made you and that you put me on the Oregon Trail with you, and that is, to this day, one of the sweetest things a guy has ever told me. (Is that lame??) I really miss saying stupid things just to make you smile --- because you always made me smile. MISS YOU. xxoo

Dad on December 25, 2007, 6:53 am
Merry Christmas Cory. I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU more than you'll ever know. I can't wait to see you.

Katherine on December 18, 2007, 3:43 pm
Not the same without you yesterday.

mary ann on December 16, 2007, 9:29 pm
so, the chargers clinched their division today! i miss watching football with you on your oversized tv on the giant blue couch. i miss your enthusiasm and your love.

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