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Memorial Service
The memorial service for Cory will be this Thursday the 29th of December at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Faith in Escondido. A Reception in building six will follow.
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Prayers, Thoughts, and Messages:

Message Board (240 messages)
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Ryann Cramer on December 24, 2005, 11:55 am
Even though I had only known Cory for few months, the comments on this page and his myspace page make me realize that no matter how long he was a part of your life, he made an impression. Cory, you were, and continue to be a role model for me. I would consider my life a success if I positively affected even a small percent of the people you have in your brief time on earth. I am remembering you with laughter and smiles, because that is what you always gave me. To Cory's family, my prayers are with you, and know that all of us that knew and loved Cory will carry him with us forever. Though he may be out of sight, he will never be out of our hearts.

Christian Denton on December 24, 2005, 12:02 am
To all of my brother's friends out there in cyber-land, dropping by for a visit: I am putting together a video memorial for Cory's service next week, as many of you may know. I'm hoping to insert video clips into it if I have time- my personal resources for transferring video to computer and time are limited, so we'll see, and it may just end up being still shots. But if any of you have video of Cory or pictures, please send ASAP to me at or call me at 760-715-7475. I really want to create the best tribute for my brother possible, and anything you send will help. Thanks, and much love.

jenna on December 23, 2005, 3:18 pm
Toeveryone who knew Cory, I did not know him very well but I have seens these last few days how much he is missed. God is taking care of him now. what more can you ask for besides his presence. love jenna

Brian Howard on December 23, 2005, 9:57 am
Please keep Saturday January the 14th from 1pm to 4pm open. I have been given the use of the field at the Escondido Sports Center. Here is the idea, we are going to play 20 min pick up games for the three hours we have the field. All skill levels are welcome. We are going to be collecting donations for the Denton family. Guys and girls of any ability are more than welcome. The only thing you need are shoes, shin guards, socks to cover the shin guards and be ready for a good time. If you do not have a Sports Center player card, you will need to fill out a one day waiver. If you are interested, please let me know. It will be helpful to have an idea of how many players to expect. Please tell all of your friends... Brian

Christian Denton on December 23, 2005, 4:40 am
Hey bro. Listenin' to the I-tunes on your laptop right now... looking for you in the sound, finding the right ones for you next Thursday......gotta be the best ones for the best brother this world has ever known, right?.......And if you think I exaggerate a lot sometimes?.well, you may be right, but not this time. Hey, I?m your older brother??.I?m always right?...come on, I know you knew THAT?? Think I just found another great song.....I think I have to use this one ....pretty sure you probably loved'll just have to wait till next week to hear it. By the way, your friends........... kick so much lovin' ass. I can't believe how much they loved you. I hope you knew that. I had no idea. I wasn't even close to having a clue. I've got Che tryin' to figure out your elusive password. If you don't want me to know what it is, you're going to have to let me know, because he?s on the case, and you know he?s got tha skillz?... You know, let me know dream-style or somethin'. Or visit me like he seems to think you may have visited him the other night. And I'll try to feel ya too. I don't have the "gift" like he has, but who knows...... So just stop on by and give me a handshake or somethin'..... What, huh, what did you say? "Brothers don't shake hands. Brothers gotta hug!" Oh, yeah, heh heh i forgot..... Well here's to all the hugs....... Hope they are packed to the gills with British brew where you've gone so you can hoist and chug to that with me. Good night brother. Good night always. I miss you and if you think I?m ever gonna leave you alone and stop talking to ya, well, you know, good luck with that. P.S. Monte says he misses you. Well he was saying it as he was falling off the roof, but I think that?s what he said??

Martin Esquivel on December 23, 2005, 1:42 am
Cory: It was a bless to have on my life as a employee and as a friend, you made a difference on my life and I will remmember you every day as my "son" . Thank you for our last 5 years togheter. My Son Mateo still ask for Cory when He wants ice cream from Applebee's. My Daughter Gabby cry's with me when She see me crying, because I was the one crying after the game, not you.... You will be out of my sight not from my heart, it will be for ever . I love you

Lynze [red coat] on December 22, 2005, 9:45 pm
Oh're beautiful soul is a constant reminder of whom we lost. We will always miss you. You make a beautiful angel. xo

Brian on December 22, 2005, 6:51 pm
Thank you for setting up this site. It is a grerat idea Chris to wear the Emelio jerseys. I know of at least one that I will try to track down from Mike Harmen.

Chris Erdos on December 22, 2005, 6:10 pm
Cory! I miss you so much buddy. Your family is in my prayers and we are trying to find your Team Emilio jerseys to wear next season. If you have one of the Emilio jerseys, please email me at One day I will tell you all the story of the pee duel Cory and I had. I love you friend.

Brian Kaull on December 22, 2005, 4:26 pm
To Cory's family. We are all thinking and praying for you. Cory was an amazing man full of laughter and kindness.

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