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Memorial Service
The memorial service for Cory will be this Thursday the 29th of December at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Faith in Escondido. A Reception in building six will follow.
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Prayers, Thoughts, and Messages:

Message Board (240 messages)
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Michele (Keskeys) Blakeman on January 16, 2009, 9:33 pm
Hi Cory, remember me? We spent 3 years together at Reformation. I was one grade ahead of you Christy, Jamie, Brooke, and Angie. I was looking up some people on-line today and happened to come upon your website. My heart goes out to your family and friends who feel your loss everyday. Thinking back on our school days together, I remember your kindness and humor. You were so sweet. I remember you once asked me out on a date and even though I had a crush on you, I was too shy to say yes : ) I am confident you are in a wonderful place full of joy and peace and you will be reunited with those you cherish once again. I will keep your family in my prayers.

ellen on December 29, 2008, 12:15 am
Hey Cory~ You don't know me my name is Ellen. Your Dad has been a friend for a few years and we have talked about our mutual love for our sons. I read all 178 messages on the board and there is alot of love out there for you ~! I wish I knew you because right now you would be so fricken happy that the Chargers kicked some serious butt on the Broncos! Keeping the faith in Escondido - ed

Dad on December 25, 2008, 6:24 am
Cory, you have no idea how hard it is for me to come here, since I truly miss and love you so much. I write the previous sentence and the eyes start getting very moist...I'm not supposed to do that, huh? I wished I could carry on a two-way conversation with you when I get (fairly frequently) a visual image of you, especially when driving in the car by myself. Enough of this! Merry Christmas to you, Sport. Take care of You and Everyone around You. Always know how much I Love and Miss You, and don't You EVER forget it. P.S. remember to save that soccer whipping for me.

jt on December 24, 2008, 8:36 am
I miss you brother. I won! you'd be proud. Actually you'd be pissed that I beat you. I wish you here.

Christian Denton on December 14, 2008, 3:58 pm
Hey bro- well its been three years and Im not any happier about you being gone- had to deal with some other folks leavin too, before their time like you- another one this week actually- anyway, just sittin here waitin for mom to come over so we can get through the day together- ill talk to you more later.

Cory's Mother on November 27, 2008, 4:21 pm
I am remembering our last Thanksgiving, three years ago, as if it were yesterday. I remember standing in the front yard of Trish's house talking for about an hour before we headed home in our separate cars, and then you called me on my cell, while we were both driving, and we talked for the next half hour. We always had so much to talk about and share. I miss your phone calls and our conversations. You were so full of life and I still don't understand why you had to go. The pain of not having you near is intense and I don't believe it will ever go away. I still cry everyday, missing you more than I can say. I love you!

KT Jones on November 15, 2008, 11:49 am
Woke up today and the words " I need you so much closer" would not stop repeating in my head. I am sitting here in my towel in front of the computer listening to that song crying my eyes out. I love you so much Cory, so so much! Need to head to work now, back to retail- not the same as the mall working with you, could never be the same. Miss you!! XOXOXOX kt

Cory's Mother on October 28, 2008, 12:44 pm
Today is Christian's birthday and it isn't the same without you here. I want so much to hear your voice filled with excitement about your costume for a Halloween party you would be attending this Friday. I can remember each and every one you came up with over the years - some better than others - but each one was ALWAYS the best around. I miss your imagination. I love you, Cory, with all my heart.

jj on September 25, 2008, 7:55 pm
im really pissed off at you right now. i have serious ideas and thoughts about music and movies and ridiculous things that come with life and the friggin chargers, etc. that i'd love to share with you and ONLY YOU! and you only could appreciate. and now i m hear blogging on your site, cuz its it is all we have. but i am thankful for it. im mad at you right now!! ...kinda... ;) ps. i never drink newcastle anymore...never. newcastle is cory.

Rebecca on August 26, 2008, 6:27 pm
I worked with Cory at Applebees and from the first lunch we spent together I knew he was special. It sounds so corny since I didn't really know him as well as most of you that write on this page do but I always felt like I did know him. He was so smart, funny and just a good person. I think about him all the time and I am so sorry for everyone's loss and for the void that is left behind. I miss you Cory.

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