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Memorial Service
The memorial service for Cory will be this Thursday the 29th of December at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Faith in Escondido. A Reception in building six will follow.
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Message Board (240 messages)
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Mary Ann Erdos on July 23, 2012, 6:42 am
Happy Birthday Cory! There have been so many wonderful new additions to our family this year! Wyatt, Andy, Oliver are all such amazing and wonderful kids! And we can't wait for baby Cory to arrive soon. You were always so great with kids - your endless energy and laughter! You would have been the 'fun uncle'. This new generation reminds me to live every moment to the fullest, something you always did best! Love you.

Cory's Mom on July 22, 2012, 10:09 pm
Today is your 33rd birthday and how I wish you were here. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! I love you with all my heart.

Amrita on July 22, 2012, 11:52 am
Happy birthday, Cory ! I moved back to SD last year, and you're on my mind all the time. I really miss you and wish that I could hear your laughter again. You were such an awesome guy — one of the best ! — and I'll never forget you. xo

Cory's Mom on December 16, 2011, 8:09 am
Another year has gone by - six since you left us. As we do every year on December 14, Christian and I went down to the soccer field to leave flowers. We watched Chris Erdos' team play a semi-final game, which they won. Martin was there as a ref. It was good to see them, as I know how much you meant to them and they to you. Chris' father, Irv, was there as well. Being there with them helped us, as the pain of losing you is as real today as it was the night you left. I love you, Cory, and know one day I will be with you once again.

Laura Duke on December 5, 2011, 8:38 pm
The holidays are all around and I'm not really sure why but you've been on my mind a lot lately, more so, anyway. Wish you were here to celebrate with all your friends and family! We all miss you buddy, and will never go without thinkin about you. xoxo

Cory's Mom on July 25, 2011, 11:28 am
I wish I could have told you Happy Birthday in person on Friday, your 32nd. Your dad, Christian, Phoenix, Sage, Shea, and I went to Knott's Berry Farm to be together and celebrate your birthday. You would have loved the roller coasters, I know. We felt you with us. MISS and LOVE you!

Cory's Mom on May 9, 2011, 7:28 am
I miss you and love you more than words can say. There was a huge void in my Mother's Day yesterday. Once again, I wore the yellow paper flower you made for me when you were in 2nd grade. Yes, I still have it and it is beautiful!

Cory's Mom on March 13, 2011, 11:53 am
We celebrated Sage's 12th birthday last night at Killer Pizza From Mars - she remembers when you were there with her in 2005. You would be so proud of her. She is so beautiful and the sweetest little girl in the world. She keeps the picture of the two of you together on her dresser. Wish you could have been with us in person, but I know you were there watching over all of us. I love and miss you so very much!

Lila Troncone on February 10, 2011, 5:51 pm
Well, Cory the holidays are over. You were dearly missed. At every gathering, birthday, wedding, birth... we always feel you missing. I love you and miss you.

Cory's Mom on December 31, 2010, 10:40 am
Another year has gone by and I miss you more than ever. I wish I could hear one of your funny stories and your infectious laughter. There is a huge void at every family gathering during the holidays, and nothing is the same without you. I love you with all my heart!

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