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Memorial Service
The memorial service for Cory will be this Thursday the 29th of December at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Faith in Escondido. A Reception in building six will follow.
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Message Board (240 messages)
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Chris Erdos on January 28, 2006, 6:44 pm
Cory always wanted me to wear that stupid rainbow I did. Hope you enjoyed that Cory.

CORY'S MOTHER on January 25, 2006, 9:03 pm
Tonight is six weeks since we shared dinner and talked about your excitement over your soccer game just a few short hours away...six weeks since we last hugged and kissed each other when you left ahead of me to drive to the soccer park...six weeks since Christian and I watched you playing the game you loved so passionately...six weeks since you left us too suddenly, never having a chance to say goodbye...six weeks since I had to leave you at the hospital, never to touch you again, and six weeks of unbearable pain, loving and missing you so much that at times I feel as though I can't go on. I know one day we will be together again but, until then, the hole in my heart can never be filled. Cory, you are such an amazing son and have so many amazing friends who love and miss you. The warmth, love and generosity of your friends that has been extended to us has been overwhelming, but knowing how much you are loved by so many is truly a tremendous comfort. I am so thankful to each and every person who came by to see us, telephoned, sent flowers and cards, brought food to us, planned your memorial soccer day and Applebee's day, and donated money...all of your friends who care about us because of their love for you. Cory, you would sometimes joke about winning the lottery, but my darling son, you didn't need were already the richest man alive. I am so blessed to have you as my son. I LOVE YOU!

Dee Wallace on January 20, 2006, 8:53 am
Ok - I just heard about the site from Dave last night - so here I am visiting and wanting to say ... "Cory, you are missed so much". I didn't get to ref with you a lot but the times we did, we had fun and you did an awesome job! And you never gave me grief when I was your scorekeeper either so thank you very much for that. I still can't believe you have left us. Take care and watch over your teammates (especially that feisty Josh guy). --Dee (deirdre)

Your Father on January 18, 2006, 4:02 pm
Hi Cory. We are getting ready to go to Applebee's (Oceanside) for the purpose of honoring you once again, so I won't be here very long. I am sure someone out there may think I'm losing it, but I saw you in the sky this afternoon and you had that big infectious smile looking right back at me. I guess where you are I don't have to say take care, but I will anyway. I love and miss you so much. I would give anything, including myself if you could be back here. Sleep well tonight and watch over us. LOVE, DAD

Chris Erdos on January 18, 2006, 8:37 am
Thanks Martin. Many of us will be gathering @ the Esco. Applebees around 6:30. Its Carrie's birthday, so come celebrate with us and help to rack up a giant bill for our friend Cory. Christian, Carolyn and Dennis- We just got our schedule for this season, so I'll post it on here later, in case you ever want to check out our games. We'd love to have you all there. We'll also soon be getting a bunch of pictures up on this site from the Soccer Saturday on the 14th. Good day to you all- ce

Martin Esquivel on January 17, 2006, 8:42 pm
Today Wedsnday all day At Applebees including To-Go orders will apply,just present the flyer at any of the 3 locations, The locations from Escondido and Oceanside are decorating the restaurant with soccer ornaments and they are happy and waitting for us to celebrate "Cory's Day" and say hi to all of us the family and friends. so please stop by. Martin Esquivel

Brian Howard on January 16, 2006, 8:29 am
I would like to thank everyone who came out on Saturday to show your support for Cory's Family. I appreciate all of those who were able to donate what they could. We raised double the amount that I had hoped for and I know they money will help. It was a great day because the people that were there made it so. Thank you so very much!!!

Melanie Hanan on January 15, 2006, 5:15 pm
Cory, it is so great to hear and read how you have touched everyones lives. And how you had such a unique relationship with every one of your friends. I knew I wasn't the only one! I miss you so much, Cory. Thank you so much for all the memories, for standing up for me when no one else would, for becoming the best example of "how to be a friend" that any of us will ever know. I love you man.

Brooke Brady on January 15, 2006, 9:30 am
Hello. I have been looking at the web page dedicated to Cory daily and I really wanted to write and say how much Cory meant to me. I am not good with words so I will just write from my heart. I had the pleasure of growing up with him and I wouldnt be who I am today without the friends I made during those years. Reformation was a special experience for me and especially going through it with Cory, Christy, Jamie and Angie. Cory was like our brother and being the only boy in our class it made him even closer to us. I remember in 8th grade spending the night at Christy's house and Cory was there. There was no other boy my mom would have let me spend the night with but we were like family. Its been hard for me to clearly realize he is gone and I keep thinking of what his family is going through and I cant even imagine. I dearly miss him and who he was. I have so many special memories of him that I keep running through my head and in fact I sometimes find myself humming the song he made up about his wire notebook. People spoke so highly of him at his service and I couldnt have agreed more. Cory was one of a kind and he will always remain in my heart. I just wanted you to know, but I know you already know how special he was and how much he inspired those around him. I miss him! Love you always Cory!

Mrs. Erdos on January 15, 2006, 7:54 am
Well Cory, yesterday turned out to be a great day for honoring you. All of your friends and your family were there at the Escondido Soccer Park when they unvieled the sign with your name and jersey number number on it. It was very sad for everyone but it also made everyone proud and reminded them just how special you were to deserve such an honor. Now we know that you'll be there at every game cheering your friends on. Lots of firends just came to visit your mom and dad and Christian, but most everyone played a few 20-minute games. Hey, even Christian played for a while. I'm sure that you loved seeing that! Thanks for taking care of the rain situation.. I guess you saw yesterday how much you are loved by EVERYONE. In talking to your friends, I realized that they, like me, visit your website daily, to look at your pictures, to read what others might have to say, but they just can't find the words to write anything at that moment. It's just so hard to unleash all that we are feeling. It just hurts so badly to admit that you're gone. After yesterday, I'm sure that your firends will be stopping by to let you know how it went, having to play without you.

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