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Memorial Service
The memorial service for Cory will be this Thursday the 29th of December at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Faith in Escondido. A Reception in building six will follow.
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Message Board (240 messages)
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Kaitlin Johnson on March 8, 2006, 6:55 pm
I've been thinking about Cory a lot lately, among other more painful things. I miss him. I wish that I could have wispered one little piece of truth to him before he left, something about where he was and where the rest of us would be once he'd gone. I work in his Starbucks and it's so strange to think that he hasn't been there for four months now. New people have come along, people who Cory would have known if only things had been different. But we're all denied his presence. I wish so badly that he could have heard what his family and friends have said about him since his death, especially that amazing letter that Christian wrote and read with unabashed tears running down his face at the memorial. I still can't get it out of my mind, it was so replete with love and pain. But I guess that none of us can really know just how we are thought of or how we will be missed when we are gone. Cory, i hope that you now exist in some astounding state of peace and joy. We miss you.

Lisa Christensen on March 8, 2006, 3:18 pm
hi cory.. i've been thinking about what to say here for some time now... i know our last conversation wasn't the best. i kick myself constantly for not being able to clear things up before it was too late. i know we had our differences but you were always a good friend, with an amazing heart. I miss you cory.. i cried so much when i found out you left us. i heard the service was beautiful. i really wish i could have made it. i have so many memories of you... your presence will never be forgotten. take care of yourself cory.. And look after everyone for us, okay? <3

Melanie on February 25, 2006, 1:06 pm
I think about you all the time... There has already been so many times where I find myself getting excited to tell you something, because I know that you would have gotten excited with me. I miss you more than I can even say.

Christian Denton on February 21, 2006, 4:01 am
Hey brother- I miss you a lot tonight. I think I have been running from dealing with everything for a while now- I dont think I have posted anything on here even, not since a few days before we returned to the field where you left us, and I haven't been keeping in touch with everyone affected by your loss like I had hoped. I know there will be time for that...I guess I just want to escape from the reality of this so much, that I suppose that's the reason for wanting to distance myself. I still get brought so low by you being gone that it's hard to be around others who miss you too. Anyway, enough about me..... "Nacho Libre"!!!!, Yes, the new Jack Black film.... You are the biggest ****head in the world to miss out on not only that, but the Tenacious D movie that comes out in November!!! Or more specifically, to make me miss out on seeing them with you.... Not to mention you bailing on us the day "King Kong" came out! And here I was thinking you were a fan. Whatever, dude. Yeah, uh huh, right. Anyway, I have no claims to know how the universe works, or even assume I know, so I'll just hope you still fraternize with us all, even if we can't see you, and stuff like that, and will get to watch "Nacho" when it comes out. Jack Black as a Mexican priest who trains to become a luchador (!), (a luchador is a masked wrestler for those reading who dont know what that is. Ask Cory's surfing buddies for further info) Seriously if you hadn't died when you did....I'm sure just hearing about the plotline of the movie.... you would have died laughing. I hope to arrange a special viewing of the film with our friends and family when it's released- so drop on by if you're allowed to do that kind of stuff in the afterlife. Seriously, dude, Jack Black as a Mexican priest who trains to become a luchador!!! I know it's a big universe, you're probably seeing corners of it none of us down here even know exist, but come on-- Jack Black as a Mexican priest who trains to become a luchador!!!!! ....... Yeah I know you read it right the first time smart guy. But I'll say it again...... Jack Black as a Mexican priest who trains to become a luchador!!!!! Also, it looks like the unofficial sequel (in spirit anyway) to "Anchorman" is coming out too. Nice, huh? Yeah, I thought you'd think so. Will Ferrell as a Nascar driver whose kids' names are Walker and Texas Ranger. Oh man that's funny. "I'm in a glass box of emotion!!!" I miss you man. I could sit here and write for hours about how much I will miss all the movies we will never see together. I will always remember all the ones we did. Especially that "Karate Kid"/"Ghostbusters" double feature Mom dropped us off at before you were old enough to ride your bike all the way to the Clairemont Square. I'm still glad you stopped crying for me to call Mom to pick us up after that librarian ghost attack in the first scene scared the bejeezus out of you, so that we could watch the rest of the movie. I'm glad that we did, and I'm glad I didn't have to watch it by myself. I think when things get too scary for me, I will try and remember what I told you then, that that one part was scary, but the rest of it would be a lot of fun. Thanks for listening to me.

Brooke on February 17, 2006, 6:30 pm
You are constantly on my mind. I miss you so much! love you Cory.

Bobby Kopet on February 12, 2006, 4:03 pm
Although I was never really close friends with Cory, we went to the same school, graduated in the same year, and shared alot of the same mutual friends. I just learned of what happened, and it's a shock to say the least. My condolences go out to his family and friends. Rest in peace, Cory. You're in a far better place now.

Cory's cousin, Jamai Wilson on February 5, 2006, 7:43 pm
Every night when I get off work, I come to this website and although I want to write to you, I can't seem to find the words. Random memories of time spent with you... and a few regrets fill my head during every minute of every day. I wish all of us hadn't lost two years with you. I wish I hadn't waited so long to call you, but I always thought I'd have more time. I keep thinking about the night I did call you and how we spoke for hours... I miss you terribly... Aunt Carolyn brought down those videos we made at Universal Studios when we were kids... I remember that day quite well... its funny how you forget little things as the years go by... I'm not a stranger to grief, but losing you... I'm too afraid to feel what I'm feeling... I'll write more later; I don't think I'm ready to say what I want to say... I just want to hug you once more... I just want one more conversation... I know you're with angels and when those you love smile, I know you're smiling beside them...

Chris Keller on February 5, 2006, 4:03 am
I loved you like a brother, you meant so much to me... I feel like a huge part of me vanished when you left us all so suddenly. Every memory I have since we were both Freshman in Highschool reminds me of you and how much you were a part of my life: Student Venture camps, drama team, Godrocket, Prom, Capture the Flag, Skating, "Butts-Up" behind Major Market, "Blatting", Traying, Ultimate Frisbee, Prom, Grad Night, the Vegas Trip, and my wedding just 8 months ago... You have left a mark on my life and will never be forgotten. I feel so blessed to have known you and called you my friend.

Kristy Ellis on February 3, 2006, 7:44 pm
Cory...where to start. So many things have rushed through my mind since I first heard of God calling on you to help him out in heaven, I don't even know where to begin. Like others, I have so many thoughts and feelings, but so few words. The words that I, along with many others can truely say is we love and miss you Cory. I wish I had gotten to know you better while you were here with us, but I know one day I will be able to see you again and give you a long deserving hug! Cory, before you left us, I knew you were a great guy, but as I have learned more of you in the last 6 weeks, you are truely one AMAZING man that this world will surely miss. As you already know we all miss you terribly - but are so grateful that we were lucky enough to have the chance to know you in our lifetimes.

Matt Ellis on January 29, 2006, 9:43 pm
Finally the infamous rainbow penny gets to be retired. It's been awaiting its moment of glory - for years. Cory must be proud. My soccer bag will finally be rid of it. It has served the purpose it has awaited since the Badgers were formed.

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